Six of the twelve dolls welcomed by the National Education Association at their Minneapolis meeting
As local committees around the country began to plan their
receptions for the Japanese Friendship Dolls, the New York office of the
Committee on World Friendship Among Children was flooded with requests for
suggestions as to how a program of welcome might be arranged. The following
outline was therefore prepared and was generally used:
PRESENTATION of an American flag by a Boy Scout.
PRESENTATION of a Japanese flag, if possible by a Japanese boy.
SONG, America the Beautiful.
MUSIC, Japanese National Anthem, Kimigayo.
STORY of the Doll Messengers of Friendship.
PRESENTATION of a doll, by Japanese girl if possible, and acceptance by an
American girl. Brief suitable speeches by both.
The Winged Shoe, a pageant of welcome by Anna Hempstead Branch. (Ten
Song of Friendship. Words by Marion E. Grey, music by John A. Rogers.
READING of Japan's Welcome Poem to American Dolls.
Friends Across the Sea, Poem by the Hon. Robert Underwood Johnson.
SONG, The Sun and the Stars.
MOVING PICTURES, The Welcome in Japan to America's Doll Messengers of
Friendship. (Thirty minutes.)
SONG, America.
It is worthy of note that the doll
presentation ceremony was first used in Japan by the American girls who
presented dolls to the Japanese girls. It was repeated again and again in
both countries, and through it American children in Japan and Japanese
children in the United States became better and most pleasantly acquainted.
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Receipt of Dolls in US